Personal Finance Blog

Simple Money is a blog I created to help educate others by trying to make personal finances simple. This blog provides informational post, resources, tips, and tricks that revolve around personal finances. I provide a strategy that I developed, known as the "How Not To Spend Strategy" that will help in any financial situation. Topics covered include: Investing, Budgeting, credit, debit, loans, and more.

How to maximize your Post 9/11 Gi Bill!

Kindle Book

This book is simply about helping veterans maximize their 36-months of Post 9-11 GI Bill benefits. With my 36-months I have been able to get 2 Associate degrees, a Bachelors, a certification in computer science, and working on a second Bachelors of science. The tips and tricks provided are to spread education about the wonderful, congress approved, benefit.

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